High-quality physics simulations


We have developed a simulation tool that can accurately predict sound propagation over vast distances, where the low frequency part is dominating due to efficient damping of high-frequency sound in the atmosphere. SoundSim360 is capable of sound simulations in complex domains including buildings. Transmission and reflections against facades are incorporated into the model. The simulation tool can also handle indoor sound propagation. The transmission of sound through walls is highly frequency dependent, and also depends on the building material in the walls and ceilings.

Wind farm simulations

Wind turbines generate high levels of infrasound (frequencies below 20 Hz). SoundSim360 takes into consideration a realistic 3D atmosphere and real world topography, with variable ground conditions. The only input is the location and sound pressure levels of the sound sources. In the animation we have simulated the infrasound propagation from “Lervik” wind farm in the south of Sweden, consisting of 7 wind turbines. Validation against accurate measurements has been performed. We present a plot with sound pressure levels over a vast domain surrounding “Lervik” wind farm, including the location of measurements. 

Infrasound simulations from "Lervik" wind farm.  Simulation is done with SoundSim360, and incorporates accurate weather data and topography. Infrasound has negligible atmospheric and ground damping and can propagate over vast distances. 


Sound pressure levels in 1Hz, from Lervik wind farm (x marks the location of the 7 wind turbines). Validation against measurements (+). Simulation is done with SoundSim360, and incorporates accurate weather data and ground conditions. 

City noise pollution

Sound simulations in cities requires, besides accurate weather conditions and topography, also an accurate treatment of the interface between air and facade.  Low frequency sound is transmitted into buildings to a high degree.  Sound simulation outside the Ångström laboratory in Uppsala (Sweden) is presented in the animation. Here sound transmission into the buildings is included.  

Sound simulation outside the Ångström laboratory in Uppsala. Simulation is done with SoundSim360, and incorporates accurate weather data and includes sound transmission through buildings.


Your Trusted Consulting Experts

25 years of research in advanced numerical methods for wave dominated problems has condensed into a high fidelity sound simulation tool capable of accurate sound level predictions in realistic applications. All relevant physics is incorporated into the model, and utilizes GPUs to achieve fast simulations. 

Optimization and inverse design is employed to adress relevant problems and to improve the precision.   

We are committed to delivering accurate solutions tailored to meet our clients' needs. We work in close collaboration with professionals in acoustics.

Ken Mattsson

PhD in scientific computing, chief developer and designer

Gustav Eriksson

Professor in Scientific computing, project leader and modeling expert


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